Thursday, April 20, 2017

Terrible real estate agent photographs

Image 1 - Mayan Haven
You just won't believe the shape of some people's houses when they're on the market. To show you some bad examples, here's a sampling of  "Terrible real estate agent photos."  It's hard to believe that Realtors even promoted these.
   Since we're paranormal investigators in our spare time, we go into people's homes to find out if there really is something supernatural happening. Well, some of the houses we've been in were homes of hoarders, while others were very clean. One of them was so filthy with old, moldy food, Tom wouldn't even go inside. So, whenever houses are being sold we're always curious to see how much people have cleaned them up.  Just look at these houses in actual real estate ads:

Image 1:  Just as it had the great Mayan cities of Tikal and Calakmul, nature slowly reclaimed the Wilsons’ dining room.
Image 2:  Jungle!

Image 2:  The quality of National Geographic’s wildlife output is deteriorating.

Image 3:  IS THAT A TOILET? 
Bullied, neglected and abused, some young toilets find themselves with nowhere to turn.  Of course if you can't make the run to the bathroom upstairs, you can always do your business in the open toilet installed under the OPEN STAIRWAY!   This was actually in a home for sale. 

Dinner will be served in the garage, after which you’re welcome to join us in the shed for drinks. 

For more crazy real estate pictures visit: