Monday, February 27, 2017

We Love Karma! Spread Fake News and FIRED!

Karma is a reality, and in this instance we couldn't be happier about it. Last week the world learned about General Michael Flynn, the country's shortest-timed U.S. Security Advisor who lied to Vice President Pence about talking with Russians - and Flynn was fired.
  However, it's what he did to Hillary Clinton that was more damaging AND it was a huge lie that inspired a gunman to come to Washington, DC and shoot up a Pizzeria!  Karma can be a bitch if you're a lying, horrible person. 

 BTW- he taught his son the same reprehensible  behavior: Both he and his son, Michael G. Flynn, have used social media to spread fake news stories linking Mrs. Clinton to underage sex rings and other serious crimes, backed by no evidence.  Source: NTTimes article 2/15/16

Dec. 2016: Flynn under fire for fake news
A shooting at a D.C. pizza restaurant is stoking criticism of the conspiracy theories being spread by Donald Trump’s pick for national security adviser.
Gen. Michael Flynn
     Flynn used his Twitter  platform to retweet accusations that Clinton is involved with child sex trafficking and has "secretly waged war” on the Catholic Church, as well as charges that Obama is a “jihadi” who “laundered” money for Muslim terrorists. 
   A Sunday’s shooting at a Washington pizza restaurant that had been targeted by false, internet-fed rumors accusing it of being the epicenter of a satanic child-trafficking conspiracy involving Clinton and her allies. Flynn had twice used Twitter to promote similar, only slightly less outrageous hoaxes in the past month, including a claim that Clinton’s campaign manager takes part in occult rituals in which bodily fluids are consumed.

Trump Adviser Has Pushed Clinton Conspiracy Theories

Pizzeria assailant thought he was rescuing child sex slaves