Thursday, January 12, 2017

Italy Blog #78: Arrival in Crazy Naples

Dinner at a Naples restaurant
In this Italy blog, we finally reached our last destination: Naples. It was from here that we went to Pompeii, which we will take you to in a couple of blogs from now. In this blog, we'll give you some of our observations about Naples.

The cool train
RAIL FROM ROME TO NAPLES- We really enjoyed taking the train in Italy. We had a nice ride from Rome to Naples. When we arrived at the train station we noticed it was a very busy place, and there were armed soldiers around holding machine guns!  Not a comforting welcome.

insane traffic
NAIL BITING TAXI - We had a driver take us from the train station to our hotel, and we were really, really nervous during the drive. The driver was nice enough but told us he "hated driving in Naples." We learned why: there were no traffic lights, no stop signs, and so many scooters weaved beside, between and around all the cars (no one stopped at an intersection). Actually we saw 2 traffic lights in the 20 minute drive. Every driver, including ours, was aggressive and cut people off!

GRAND HOTEL VESUVIO - Named for the volcano (Mt. Vesivius) we could see from the hotel. It was built and furnished in a modern style, and overlooks the Bay of Naples and an historic castle (open to the public). 

Lobby of the Hotel

NEXT: Castle Dell 'Ovo!