Saturday, January 21, 2017

History Lesson: Did you know saying "Democrat Party" is a Slam?

   Several people who have written letters to the Editor in our local newspaper and continue to use
the words "Democrat Party" when referring to the Democratic Party.

DID YOU KNOW?  That incorrect reference was created by hostile conservatives. It's insulting.  The proper name is the Democratic Party.

HISTORY OF THE INSULT:   In fact, if you Google it, you'll find that using "Democrat Party" is a slam. It's not new, although Fox News and conservative "news" sources have resurrected it. The term has been used in negative or hostile fashion by conservative commentators and members of the Republican Party since at least 1940.

USE IN RECENT HISTORY: 1) Following his inauguration in 2001, President George W. Bush often used the noun-as-adjective when referring to the opposition party.
2)  Donald Trump said on December 19, 2015, that the debate among democratic presidential candidates should be called the "Democrat Debate" rather than "Democratic", as the party was the "Democrat Party" and not "Democratic"

FOX NEWS PERPETRATING THE USE:  Fox News is a partisan outlet that promotes heavily slanted conservative views and has propagated fake news. It is also responsible for promoting ignorance in using the reference of "Democrat party."
  Democrats don't call the Republican Party the "Republic Party." So Republicans need to stop using "Democrat Party."  It's all about respect.

PLAYING DIRTY-  If Republicans continue to play dirty, then Democrats need to start playing dirty. Democrats have taken the "high road" and it got the party nowhere. It's sad to think that Democrats need to start being nasty to win an election, but it worked for Republicans. It says that voters in the U.S. now respect bullies. Sickening.