Monday, December 12, 2016

Tom's Quote of the Week: Using 2 Different Last Names

Recently in a conversation with Tom's mom, she told us about how she's selling some furniture and household items on a new phone App (I can't remember what it's called). She said she couldn't understand why someone used 2 different last names. This is actually Tom's Mom's "Quote of the Week."Bottom line -  it's pretty funny when you can't see something you do and you're complaining about someone else doing it!
Mom said that a woman emailed mom about a chair. The woman's last name was (I can't recall so I'll say) "Anderson."  Mom emailed back and said to send her a text message when Ms. Anderson wanted to pick up the chair. Ms. Anderson sent a text and signed it with the same first name and different last name like "Myers." Mom said "It's so confusing when the same person uses different last names!"
That's when Tom and I laughed out loud. Half the time, Mom uses her previous married name (because it's easier to say). The other half of the time, she uses her second (and current) married name!  She does the same thing!  Of course, when Tom reminded her, we all had a good laugh.