Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Idiot purposely Shoots 2 Dogs/ Pets are as Intelligent as Human Children

In Ohio last week a deer hunter decided to brutally murder 2 dogs who got loose from their pet parent just because they approached his "deer stand" in the woods. (I have no issue with hunters).  BUT then, he posted a photo of the 2 dead dogs and boasted on his facebook post that they were "an easy kill."  We are infuriated.
   Fortunately, there's a new law in that county where this bastard can be jailed, fined and convicted as a felon. The story is below.
  TO PEOPLE WHO SAY "DOGS ARE NOT THE SAME AS HUMAN CHILDREN" - WRONG.  Science proves you wrong.   Those people  obviously value some lives less than others. Every life is precious. Every human or dog or cat that we are responsible for in our family should be looked at as family. They look at us as their parents. **It's just that pets don't grow up, marry someone you don't like and move away. -
   I'm not taking anything away from someone who lost a human child. Yes, it's also horrific, and tragic and you NEVER get over it. My dog Buzz was KILLED by a speeding car in Feb 2005 when his leash opened. I have NEVER gotten over it. 

   AS FOR THE IDIOT -The hunter needs to go to jail, lose his house, job and life. He should have his hunting license revoked and be banned from hunting. People lose driver's licenses for killing people while drunk driving and they go to jail. It's the same thing   It's cold blooded murder. 
There is something mentally wrong with people like him who will purposely murder someone's pets. 
   SCIENTIFICALLY, PETS ARE JUST LIKE HUMAN CHILDREN  (proof)-  pets have the same emotions as people do. Read Dr. Gregory Burns (Emory Univ.) study (book- How Dogs Love Us) where he did MRIs on their brain activity (in the caudate of the brain) and proved they have the same emotions as people. Dr. Stanley Coren has also analyzed the intelligence of dogs (in a book of the same name) and has concluded they have the intelligence of a 3-5 year old human child. 
** We've lost 2 dogs to death, so no one can tell me they're not the same as losing a human child. In fact, psychological studies have proven we grieve MORE for our pets than other humans because they rely on us 100%. 


Hunter accused of killing man’s beloved dogs is charged, loses job

BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio — The hunter accused of shooting and killing a Belmont County man’s two beloved dogs now faces charges, and he’s lost his job.
According to court records, Michael Chedester, of St. Clairsville, faces two counts of cruelty to animals. His arraignment is set for Dec. 8.
The charges are the first of their kind in Belmont County under the newly-passed Goddard’s Law.
Pete Byers, the owner of the dogs named Bella and Emmy, first posted about the situation on Monday — and it quickly spread on social media. 
Byers told WTOV that he was getting ready to head to Pittsburgh with his dogs for a work trip when they disappeared Monday.
A search group assembled and eventually found Chedester, who had a tree stand in the area. Byers said he asked Chedester if he killed the dogs. He said the hunter admitted to shooting them and offered to “buy him two new ones.”
Byers said he found his dogs in a brush pile near the tree stand after spotting Emmy’s paw sticking out from under the logs.
According to WTOV, Chedester told authorities that the dogs had chased a deer past his stand at least three times. The third time, he said, they stopped under his stand.
Chedester then allegedly shot one of the dogs. Belmont County Prosecutor Dan Fry said he believes the bullet that hit that dog also hit the second dog. Then Chedester allegedly shot the second dog.
The charges were filed Wednesday.
WTOV reports that Chedester has also been fired from his forestry supervisor job with American Electric Power.
A statement from AEP to WTOV says: “AEP expects the highest level of conduct from our employees, both on the job and outside of work. We are saddened by the situation that unfolded this week involving an off-duty AEP Ohio employee and the death of the two dogs. This individual is no longer employed by AEP.”