Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tom's Gardening Talent

Mums in pots on the front stairs with beds of Ivy around
If it wasn't for Tom's gardening talent, patience, taste in flowers, landscaping abilities, and daily watering we'd never have the house we have. I (Rob) have a "blackened thumb" so everything I plant withers and Tom has the green thumb!

Tyler, Dolly and Franklin taking a brief rest on the grass
FRONT ENTRYWAY - This summer Tom had the front (cement) porch painted along with the walkway. For the fall he put two big arrangements of mums in large pots to welcome visitors after they walk past large beds of ivy.

SUN DOGS AND GRASS - Our three canine kids love the backyard. Fortunately, they don't run through or pee on all the plants and flowers that Tom has planted. Instead they opt to lay on the grass. Of course, since we've had barely any measurable rainfall since the end of JUNE most of the grass is burnt out. We virtually had no rainfall in July, August and September. We're supposed to get 4" a month.

Yellow flowers along the walkway
FLOWER POWER - An earlier blog showed some beautiful Aster flowers that we have on the side of the yard. In the back along the walkway, Tom planted bright yellow flowers (I don't know what they are but he could tell you) that brighten up the walkway.
  Across from there are my 2 tomato plants and we've actually grown about 6 tomatoes! That's unusual, so it's a good year (only because Tom waters them daily). 

So, if you want advice about what to plant, just ask Tom!