Thursday, September 22, 2016

CT Pet Expo Adventure/ Photos: Part 2 the Expo!

An Australian Shepherd
In Part 2 of my (Rob) adventure to the CT Pet Expo, we'll give you
a bunch of pictures of attendees (well the dogs). 
Rob's table at the Expo
Two Bulldogs
   Over the weekend of Sept. 10-11, I took an Amtrak train up to Bridgeport, CT to the Connecticut Pet Expo to give a talk about "Pets and the Afterlife", represent the DC Area Weimaraner Rescue,and sell my books. 

This guy was a husky mix I was told
A 11 year old Dachshund that reminded me of Franklin
MY TALK- I had about 15 minutes to give an overview of the books from the main stage. I've been doing it so long I don't use notes and it went really well. In fact, most of the chairs were full, which was nice to see. Afterward, several people came over to me to share their stories or ask questions. One young couple, Eric and Emily had what appeared to be the happiest dog ever.

The DC Area Weimaraner part of the table
   There were a lot of great dogs and nice people there. This is a  pictorial of some of the dogs I met!

NEXT: The Craziness at the Hotel