Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wonder Woman Film Trailer (2017) and her History

As a big superhero fan, I've always loved Wonder Woman. Of course in the late 1970s, Lynda Carter was Wonder Woman. Now, Gail Gadot takes on the role that she started in Batman Vs. Superman this past January and she's in her own film that comes out in 2017. Actor Chris Pine co-stars as Wonder Woman's love interest from the comics, Col. Steve Trevor.
  For those who don't know, Wonder Woman was created by Dr. Charles Moulston in the early 1940s. She's from the race of Amazons, immortal women of Greek descent who lived in a society of only women on Paradise Island.
  When Col. Trevor crash landed on Paradise Island, she had to bring him back to the U.S. There she wound up helping fight against Germany during World War 2 in the comics. In this movie, the producers make it World War 1... and yes, as the "daughter" of the god Zeus, Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) is immortal. (Yes, that's all from memory). :)
  Now, onto the movie trailer: