Friday, August 26, 2016

Italy Blog #42: Siena- Part 2: Horses and Banks

Tom, Maryellen (our guide), Rob in Siena
In today's blog, we'll continue to explore some of the interesting things you'll find in Siena, a medieval city on a hill located between Florence and Rome. Today we'll learn about banks and horses!

Our tour guide, Maryellen was a college professor from the U.S. and now lives in Siena as a tour guide. She knew a million facts!
Torre del Mangia 
ON THE TOWN - The Plaza or "Piazza" del Campo is a shell-shaped town square before the Palazzo Pubblico (town hall) with its tall Torre del Mangia  (a tower built in 1338-1348). The Palazzo Pubblico, itself a great work of architecture is where the famous "Palio" race is held. In addition to the race, there's a famous museum with Ambrogio Lorenzetti's frescoes depicting the Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government.

photo of the Palio in action from Aug 2015
HORSING AROUND THE RACETRACK -This is part of the site for the Palio horse race. The Palio is a horse race that is held twice each year, on 2 July and 16 August, in Siena, Italy. Ten horses and riders, bareback and dressed in the appropriate colors, represent ten of the seventeen contrade, or city wards.
Piazza del Campo
**We DIDN'T see it since we were there in May, 2016**

Piazza del Campo
HISTORY OF THE PALIO- The Palio is run to celebrate the miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary near the old houses that belonged to Provenzano Salvani. The first Palio was run on August 16, 1656. The Palio was run for the first time in 1701 in honor of the "Madonna dell'Assunta." 

BANK ON IT -The Palazzo Salimbeni is located in a piazza of the same name. It's is the oldest surviving bank in the world and the Italian third largest commercial and retail bank by total assets.

Palazzo Salimbeni
NEXT: Siena Part 3: Oldest Hospital, a Medieval Fountain, and the meaning of Rob's mom's maiden name