Friday, July 1, 2016

Italy Blog #16: Venice The Deadly History of the Piazzetta

Columns of San Marco (left) and Teodoro (right)
In this 16th Italy blog, we'll explain about the Venice 2 columns of the Piazzetta, the mystery of the missing column and the Deadly History of the Piazzetta.

WHAT IS THE PIAZZETTA?- It is an area on St. Mark's Square that connects to the docks where people arrive and leave by boat into the Grand Canal. The area is marked by two large columns at the water's edge.

COLUMN NAMES- The two columns are called Colonna (column) of Marco and Teodoro (Mark and Theodore).

Looking at the Teodoro column from the Grand Canal
WHO IS THE "LION OF VENICE" ON MARCO'S COLUMN?  - The winged lion can be found all over the city of Venice. It came to symbolize the city — as well as one of its patron saints, St Mark — after its arrival there in the 12th century. The statue of the Lion of Venice is made of bronze. It's a winged lion sculpture in the Piazza San Marco that tops the column of Marco.

SAN TEODORO'S COLUMN- Actually sports a statue of Saint Theodore, the first patron of Venice. He appears to be standing on a slain dragon, while he holds a fish and a spear.

Rob and Tom goofing around in St Mark's Square
THERE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE 3 COLUMNS!  - According to Wikipedia, the Doge Michieli actually brought three columns back from Tyre in 1125, but when they were being unloaded, one of them fell into the sea and sank to the bottom of the lagoon. The other two were set up.

THE PIAZZETA'S DEADLY HISTORY - During the Renaissance, the Piazza was also used for executions, with a set of gallows and spectator seating in the center of the square.The columns in the Piazzeta have served as the official gateway to the city. Until the mid-eighteenth century, the piazetta was also an area were criminals were executed.

NEXT: The Old Library (Libreria Sansovinian) where we found Cafe Florian (from 1720)