Wednesday, June 15, 2016

MUST WATCH Speech after the FL tragedy: Hillary in Cleveland (6-13-16)

Whether you like her or not - WATCH and LISTEN. See how a president should act. It's not often that a speech of 30 minutes will give me chills and make me so incredibly proud to support a candidate - but when I listened to Secretary Clinton's speech she gave in Ohio on Monday, it did just that. I brought tears to my eyes that she understands, she cares, she has plans to help (unlike her opponent who just wants to arm everyone).
  This woman must be our next president. She's intelligent, thoughtful, respectful of everyone's backgrounds, lives, race, religion or non-religion, sexuality, social status.  

Published on Jun 13, 2016
Speaking in Cleveland Monday, Hillary Clinton said the shooting early Sunday morning in Orlando was "mind-numbingly familiar." Clinton honored the victims and the first responders over the course of her speech.