Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ireland's Cork City Toilet Rat Caution!

Downtown Cork City, Ireland. Credit; Rob and Tom
We visited the city of Cork, Ireland in the spring of 2015 and keep up with news of Ireland. We love Ireland, although we will say that the city of Cork was not our favorite place... other than our visit to the famous Cork County Gaol (Jail) - which is a MUST-see. We remember walking through the city and it seemed much more downtrodden than other cities and towns we visited. Well, apparently, they have a rat problem - but rats are coming up in toilets!  At least it did in this particular story from the Middleton area of town after flooding occurred. Hopefully once the flooding subsides, so will the rat problem, -  Rob and Tom

Rat Watch in Cork City Toilets

HOMEOWNERS have been advised to watch their backsides during floods after a man in the Midleton area was bitten by a rat while sitting on the toilet.
Yesterday, Councillor Noel Collins reported the incident to Cork County Council during a Southern Area Meeting, after asking them to investigate the possibility of flushing rat poison through the sewer system.
“The flooding resulted in another problem for residents, that of rat infestation, which really upset many families, mentally and physically, and indeed, one elderly gentleman suffered a rat bite to his posterior while using his toilet, and had to receive immediate medical attention,” he said.
Credit: Getty images

A plumber found a broken sewer pipe nearby, which is believed to have allowed the rat to enter the system.
The council warned that flushing rat poison through the public system could lead to contamination of other water sources, but said that Irish Water are responsible for vermin control within the system.
Cllr Collins added: “I would advise homeowners to keep their toilet seats down when not in use, and to watch their posteriors.”