Thursday, April 21, 2016

Has this happened to you? Mindreading

Last Thursday, I (Rob) was sitting at the kitchen table after finishing dinner and my hubby got up and started
washing the dishes. I looked up at him and said, "tomorrow on your day off, can you go down to City Hall and get a new recycle bin to replace the old one?" 
   He looked up and said "That's exactly what I was just thinking as I was washing these dishes! Get out of my head!" 
   It's not the first time that I've been able to voice exactly what he's been thinking when he's thinking it. We have a great connection. It may also be because I have the ability to read energy - like hearing ghosts and spirits. But it just confirms that we have something special. Of course, he laughs and jokingly says "that's too creepy. It's time for a divorce!" :)
   Has this ever happened to you and your partner?