Monday, March 28, 2016

What's a typical week like?

 Life is what you make it. You can sit home and feel sorry for yourself or you can be creative, motivated and enjoy every day. We prefer the latter.
   Friends have asked what we're always busy doing each week.  So in addition to enjoying our jobs, and going to dinner with friends, we squeeze a lot in during a week.

Sometimes we work dog rescue stuff on weekends, like transports of dogs from one place to another. Last week I did a home visit for a new adoption and checked references for another potential adopter.  I (Rob) also act as back up webmaster for one of the rescues.

Tom enjoys yoga and catching up on Forensic files stories (he's fascinated with that stuff while I cringe!) and lately a TV show out of New Zealand where psychics are called in and solve cold cases.and he's always reading about Tudor history, architecture and politics. In fact, anyone that knows us knows we're both passionate about equality for all people. 

We both also go on paranormal investigations. We've recently went on one at the Belmont Manor that yielded answers from two ghosts. 

I'm revising my first book (Ghosts and Spirits) that I "Retired" last year, because I've learned so much since I published it. Also promoting the new book that came out 2/14 - "Pets and the Afterlife 2." Once I finish updating book 1, then I can start doing intense edits on book 5: My Experiences with Ghosts of the British Isles."  Also planning for my appearances at Pet Expos and other places to give talks and promote the books.

I'm an avid reader of comics and mysteries and books about dogs, and love my superhero TV shows like Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, Legends and Gotham). We both love the TV shows: Grimm, Lucifer, Second Chance and Amazing Race. 

Of course, I also train the kids at night in agility stuff after dinner about 4 nights a week, we take dog walks and even find time to work out!   So, life is busy and full (aches and pains included) and it is what you make of it. So go out an enjoy yours!