Sunday, March 6, 2016

What do you think? Go Fund Me requests for Vacations

A legitimate fundraiser
Do you think "Go Fund Me" should be used to send someone on an international vacation?  

We don't. 

Recently, a married young couple  launched a "Go Fund Me" site to have people they know pay to send them on an International vacation.  I was outraged and told them (but they didn't see what the problem was) they should pay for their own vacation and that it's a mis-use of a fundraising tool.  

SO, how do you feel about paying to send someone on vacation? 

We have friends that are undergoing cancer treatments and can't afford them. THAT'S what we think Go Fund Me campaigns are for - to help people who are struggling with the bad hand they've been dealt in life. To help people who lost their home and things in a fire. These sites are also used to help people pay into an invention, clothing design, book, or art project where the people who donate receive something in return.

To use "Go Fund Me" for selfish handouts is 100% wrong. 
I don't understand why the younger generation (Millennials, specifically) wants everyone to hand them everything from paid vacations to free education to outrageous salaries.

BTW- I (Rob)  worked 3 jobs and paid for 3 college degrees over 15 years and had no life, but it's paid for and I don't owe anyone. Although I had no dating life and no social life, it taught me responsibility. In fact, I never flew outside the country until I was  in my 40s when I could finally afford it. 

So, what do YOU think? Is this a mis-use of "Go Fund Me" requests?