Sunday, February 21, 2016

Part 3: What do Presidential Candidates Stand for? Clinton, Sanders

 PART 3:    Since so many people vote without really knowing the main things that political candidates stand for, we thought we'd help educate.   We copied and pasted these right from CBS News (who researched them from the candidate websites). Today, we'll show you the positions from the Democratic Candidates:


Hillary Clinton
Job: Former secretary of state, former U.S. senator (New York)
Best known for: Secretary of state for Obama, married to Bill Clinton. Running for president. Her private email server. Facing criticism over 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Key positions: Middle-class champion.
·         Expand Obamacare and repeal the Cadillac tax.
·         Immigration reform with path to citizenship.
·         Debt-free college.
·         Reduce gun violence by increasing background checks, closing loopholes and holding dealers and manufacturers accountable.
·         Close the pay gap.
·         Increase the minimum wage.
·         Support the Iran deal.
·         No U.S. combat troops in Iraq.

Bernie Sanders
Job: U.S. senator (Vermont), former congressman
Best known for: Outspoken democratic Socialism. Fighting to end income inequality.
Key positions:
·         Single-payer national health care.
·         Break up any banks that are "too big to fail," and reinstitute Glass-Steagall.
·         Campaign finance reform: Overturn Citizens United, Buckley v. Valeo and require big money donors to disclose donations.
·         Raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
·         Raise taxes on the wealthy.
·         Expand Social Security, lift income caps.
·         Free college tuition for all.
·         Ban assault weapons, expand background checks.
·         Voted for gun manufacturer legal protections but now wants a repeal.
·         Combat climate change.
