I recently enjoyed reading the second graphic novel of Kyle's Bed &
Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial (Paperback)
This is the second collection of some of the earlier strips in a great bi-weekly comic strip still running in many gay newspapers around the U.S. and you can read it on-line here every other week: http://kylesbnb.blogspot.com/
All I can say is that Greg Fox has done it again. His cast of
characters in a gay bed and breakfast all have their own personalities
and issues. They're all likeable characters that come together that make
you want to keep reading about them and getting to know them. I started
reading this slowly because I didn't want it to end and already ordered
the next collection. The dialog is great and the artwork is fantastic.
Greg had also illustrated DC and Marvel comics, and he is an incredible
talent. This is a must-read.
To read the current comics on-line, go to Greg Fox's Kyle's B and B page: http://kylesbnb.blogspot.com/