Recently Tom (whom I call Mr. Monk) came across an article about things you should never touch at a restaurant, so we're reprinting the article here. Once you read it, you may never eat out again. :)
Mr. Monk's Solution: BRING WIPES!!!! (Really)
Here's what we call: Mr. Monk's 8 Things You Should Never Touch at a Restaurant
1) The table - Charles Gerba, PhD, a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, found significant numbers of E. coli and
coliform bacteria on restaurant tabletops — enough to present a danger
to the public, particularly young children, the elderly, and people with
compromised immune systems. The numbers were even higher after the
tables were wiped down — suggesting a direct connection between dirty
rags and bacteria. The solution? Ask your server not to wipe your table
before sitting down.
2) The menu - It’s hard to avoid touching a menu — which is probably why it’s one of the germiest things in any restaurant. A 2013 study found that menus are an ideal vehicle for different types of bacteria. E. coli can survive on a laminated menu for up to 24 hours, and salmonella up to 72 hours.
3) the ice in your drink - Restaurant ice makers aren’t cleaned nearly as often as they should be (ideally once a month), and may be harboring bacteria. The bottom line? Ask for your soda without ice — your stomach will thank you.
4) The lemon and lime wedges in your drink
Whether you request it or not, restaurant drinks often come with a slice of lemon or lime. But a 2007 study
found that 69.7 percent of lemon wedges tested showed some type of
microbial growth — either on the rind or the flesh. Why? By the time it
reaches your drink, a piece of fruit may have been handled by multiple
people — plus there’s no way to ensure proper handwashing practices have been followed.
5) The ketchup bottle and salt and pepper shakers
are most likely never wiped off, and if they are, it is with a cloth
that has been used to wipe off the table, chairs, trays, and has been
‘rinsed’ in a tub of dirty water,” Duberg says. Beyond that, it’s
impossible to know who touched these before you (and whether they washed
their hands). You’ve got your antibacterial wipes, right? If you need
that ketchup, give the bottle a once-over before pouring.
6) The tray -Just like the condiment bottles and menus,
trays are rarely wiped down (and when they are, it’s with that same rag —
yuck). Duberg suggests you avoid touching your tray as much as
possible. “When eating in a fast food establishment with trays, “she
says, “I use hand sanitizer before touching my food and never touch the
tray after I sit down until after I am done eating.”
7) The buffet -Yes, buffets are as dirty as you thought they
were. “It is a rare day when I will eat at a buffet or a salad bar,”
Duberg says. “There are very few assurances that the food has been kept
at the proper temperature (hot or cold); the remaining food from the
container being replaced is often scooped into the container of fresh
food, and the serving utensils are usually reused over and over again.”
These latter two actions can carry bacteria, which have been multiplying
all day, from one batch of food to the next. All you can eat? It may
not be worth it.
8) The bathroom -It seems obvious, but the bathroom is often
a reflection of how clean the rest of a restaurant is. Duberg suggests
checking to see if there’s a cleaning schedule posted on the door. “And
use the sniff test,” she says. “If it smells dirty, it most likely is —
wash your hands with lots of soap and water, dry with a paper towel, use
the paper towel to open the door, and use hand sanitizer at the table
before eating your food. Reminder: People who are not feeling well often
go into the bathroom to vomit or have diarrhea, and may not wash their
hands as well as I do.”