Thursday, December 17, 2015

Who is Eclipso & 2 Types of Eclipses

DC Comics' Eclipso trade paperback
I recently finished enjoying a trade paperback collection of classic comics about an interesting character- a villain and hero in one called Eclipso. It's a black and white collection of his origin and exploits from 1963 to 1966. Since his transformation is triggered by an eclipse, we'll explain the two types here, too.

BOOK  SUMMARY: DC Showcase Presents: Eclipso:  One of the strangest comics villains ever stars in this volume collecting HOUSE OF SECRETS #61-80! On an expedition in the South Pacific, scientist Bruce Gordon's dark side is unleashed after being exposed to a black diamond. Transformed into the powerful Eclipso by any event resembling an eclipse, he embarked on an evil rampage as his good side attempted to reassert control. 

Solar eclipse
WHAT IS A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE? A total solar eclipse can happen only at new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth. Why aren’t there eclipses at every full and new moon?

lunar eclipse
lunar eclipse happens when the Earth, sun and moon align in space, with Earth in the middle. Why aren’t there eclipses at every full and new moon?
