Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wackos in the News

Garland, TX Tornado killed 8 people
It's time again for wackos in the news. In this blog you'll read about a woman who "prayed a tornado to kill her neighbors," and how one politician figured out a way to return to the 1700s in order to block all gay marriages in Tennessee because of his "personal belief."

“We actually went outside and started commanding the winds because God had given us authority over the winds – the airways. And we just began to command this storm not to hit our area. We spoke to the storm and said, ‘Go to unpopulated places.’ It did exactly what we said to do because God gave us the authority to do that.” – Sabrina Lowe of Rowlett, Texas, speaking to NPR.
 Hundreds of homes and businesses were destroyed in Lowe’s hometown and eight people were killed in the town next door. 
The tornado didn’t move because of anything Lowe did. But if she wants credit for changing its path, she needs to bear responsibility for the people who died as a result of her supposed actions.
  (Source NPR)\Story: http://n.pr/1Vm5iBs

BIGOT- TN Rep. Rick Womick
2) The Extremists Go All Out and Propose Marriage Bill to Squash Gays- In Tennessee, the  bigots have finally figured out a way to keep gay people from marrying. A new bill proposed says: The state will no longer issue marriage licenses, but instead recognize "common law" marriages that were all that the state had prior to the Civil War.  If couples wish to marry, they will have to go to churches, which are exempt from performing gay marriages.  Nice one.

From the Mouth of Hate Embodied:
 "Tennessee should stop issuing marriage licenses in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision that made gay marriage legal," Tennessee  state Rep. Rick Womick said. "The state Constitution says that marriage is between one man and one woman, and my personal belief is that God says that marriage is between one man and one woman," said Womick, a Republican who resides in Rutherford County's Rockvale community southwest of Murfreesboro. "He created Adam and Eve. God didn’t create Adam and Winston."
**So, everyone in the state must live by "His personal belief" - Really makes you hate some people doesn't it? 
 STORY: http://www.dnj.com/story/news/2015/12/26/womick-seeks-end-marriage-licenses/77918320/