Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Great Book! Ghosts and Legends of the Carolina Coasts

I recently enjoyed the book "Ghosts and Legends of the Carolina Coasts" by Terrance Zepke. Our friend Lynn J. bought this for us while on vacation, and it's a great book! 
  The book contains encounters and legends from the coastal regions of North and South Carolina. It's nicely formatted and has nice illustrations in it, too.
  There were quite a number of stories that really stayed with me in this collection. One that I won't forget was about a Judge in Maine who accused a woman of being a witch (who may have had alzheimers or dementia). He not only accused her, he presided over her hearing, and readily sent her to death. She told him her foot and leg would come back from the grave and kick him after he died. It did. 
 - Although the judge moved to the Carolinas and was buried there, the mysterious outline of a foot appeared on his giant tombstone (several times as the first time, it was sandblasted off). There's a photo in the book of the outline of a leg and foot on the tombstone.
  So, whether you live in the Carolinas, visit them, or just want interesting ghost stories, this is a really good read.  - Rob