Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Best Mat for Dog Dishes and Feet!

Franklin drinking water on the LL Bean Waterhog Mat
We recently found a great waterproof mat to put under the dog bowls- and wanted to share it with you!

It's called the "Everyspace Waterhog Mat, 23" x 35"" and we ordered it through the L.L. Bean catalog. In fact, we ordered TWO of them. One went under the dog bowls, and the other inside the door on the sun porch so when the kids come inside with muddy paws, it absorbs the mud.
The Waterhog Mat inside the door on the sun porch

You can actually wash the mat off, if it gets muddy, food drops on it, etc. and just put it back down. No worries!  After years of different mats - that wouldn't come clean, wouldn't wash out, or took a long time to dry after washing. - this mat had none of those problems!
We highly recommend it, whether you need a mat for dog bowls, or one to wipe your feet coming inside. It comes in a variety of colors, too.

CHECK IT OUT ON-LINE: http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/66308?feat=506645-GN3&page=everyspace-waterhog-mat-23-x-35