Recently NASA's Earth Observatory (a group of Earth science writers) issued a story about the current El Nino based on NASA and NOAA data. It features quotes from Rob's friend Dr. Bill Patzert of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in California. Bill is a climatologist/oceanographer/El Nino-La Nina expert and more. That story was made into a Short Video called :El Nino is Too Big to Fail Warns NOAA/NASA Forecasters.
The video uses NASA and NOAA imagery, and was created by :ShantiUniverse
SUMMARY: El NiƱo is strengthening and is now 'too big to fail', forecasters have
warned. The latest analyses from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and from NASA confirm that sea surface heights and
temperatures, as well as wind patterns, show surface waters cooling off
in the Western Pacific and warming significantly in the tropical Eastern