Tuesday, September 15, 2015

We Got a New Roof!

Old roofing taken off on Day #1
Over Labor Day weekend and beyond our friend and neighbor Gary, and two of his boys installed a new roof on our house. It was a nine day project and  temperatures were in the upper 80s and 90s... fortunately, without rain (except one day). 
  Gary had some challenges - his compressor broke and then another one he rented blew fuses when we were not home.... 
Gary working on the roof
  Of course, the dogs were not happy with all the noise, so they went to doggy day care on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. They stayed with me on Tuesday and Thursday when I teleworked. 

 Here are some of the progress photos.

The finishing touches were put on yesterday, September 14th.

Back of the house completed on Day #4!

So, it took 9 days from start to finish (although there were 3 days he couldn't work on it, one being a rainy day). 
   At least we won't have to worry about it for another decade!