Had a great time at the New England Pet Expo this past weekend
meeting people and talking about my book "Pets and the Afterlife" - as
well as hearing some amazing stories from folks!!
I was joined by
my good friend and amazing medium Ruthie Larkin aka the Beantown Medium
(www.beantownmedium.com) who is also featured in the book, and she gave
an amazing reading at the end of the event through a grey cat to a
woman named Eileen. Ruthie even identified that the cat had a hip
problem and the exact leg that the cat had issues with (and a lot
Here are some pictures from some of the great folks Ruthie and I met! - Rob Gutro
(LINK: https://picasaweb.google.com/100134473933031789796/NewEnglandPetExpoSept182015PetsAndTheAfterlife?authuser=0&feat=directlink