Friday, August 21, 2015

Ireland Trip #63: Rock of Cashel's Haunted Hall of Vicars, Round Tower

The Round Tower next to the Cathedral
Yesterday we introduced you to the Rock of Cashel. Today in Blog #63, we'll take you into what we found to be the only haunted room, since this castle/cathedral lies in ruins for the most part. We'll also show you one of the only existing "Round Towers" in Ireland.

WHAT IS IT?  The Rock of Cashel, also known as Cashel of the Kings and St. Patrick's Rock, is a historic site located at Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

The Vicar's Choral (Quarters)
THE ROUND TOWER- The round tower is 90 feet high and constructed of sandstone. It dates back to 1100 A.D.  It's Gaelic name means "Bell House" (don't ask me how to spell it's Gaelic name). We were told there are about 80 round towers left in all of Ireland, and this was one of the few intact ones standing. The doors were 5 feet off the ground for structural reasons, to help keep the tower sturdy. In addition, it helped with defense if no one could get into the door (they used ladders and pulled them up before attackers came).

THE VICARS CHORAL (QUARTERS)-  This is one of the only rooms that has been revitalized and rebuilt on the property in 1975. This room and structure was built in the 15th century. It was where clerics and clergyman stayed. Originally there were 8, then reduced to 5. This continued until 1836.
  In the upstairs  the kitchen and dining room were redone, too.

The upstairs kitchen in the Vicar's Choral
THE  RESIDUAL GHOSTLY ENERGY THERE- Anytime you're in a place that there was a lot of emotion, whether positive or negative, it leaves behind a "thumbprint" of energy that is either good or bad, depending on the emotions of the people and the events that dwelled there. 

When we walked into this room, I (Rob) got a headache, and sensed a lot of energy there. It was residual, meaning that it wasn't a ghost I could talk to and get answers from. It was a thumbprint of energy - and it was strong enough that I got the sense of several men (only men) in this building talking about politics (rule) and religion of the time (1500s) (which makes sense that these religious folk would be scared of invasions from England and have their cathedral and castle and land challenged.)
Rock of Cashel

I also experience tightness in my throat when I was in the room, almost like smoking (although I confess I wouldn't know what that feels like). There were no intelligent haunts there, although it is a site where a lot of people likely perished. Because the place is mostly in ruins, it wouldn't hold the energy of the ghosts that were attached to it, so they likely moved on.

NEXT: Cashel's Roofless Cathedral