Friday, June 26, 2015

Today marks our 6 year Wedding Anniversary! /U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Marriage Equality!

An anniversary card we like
Today, June 26, marks our 6 year Wedding Anniversary! 
**UPDATE- Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is the law of the land for all 50 U.S. States and U.S. Territories. What an amazing Anniversary present. We can now move/live anywhere and have security**

Because our marriage wasn't legal in Maryland at the time, we had to go to Connecticut, the nearest state where it was legal. My (Rob) brother Doug suggested Bridgeport as a good city to get married in, and the restaurant he was recommended became the place we took our vows (instead of outside in a park). Our friend Jeff was our best man and came up with us. Our friend Mike married us! 

It's been another year of dog rescue work, ghost investigating, book tours, gardening, dog training, Dunkin' Donuts, weather watching, reading U.K. history and mysteries, a great Ireland vacation, and lots of blogging. :) 

Tom and Rob in Dublin, Ireland - May 2015


 Our wedding 6-26-2009

Last Year's Story/Wedding Recap: