Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Serious Note about Some (Awful) Dog Rescuers

     Since Marriage Equality became a reality on Friday in the U.S., there have been a number of incredibly hateful people posting things even on DOG RESCUE facebook pages who have put up rainbow colors to show support and congratulate all people for being equal.
   It astounds me of how hateful religions have made people - and yes, I know that some religions and churches accept marriage equality. The vitriol spewed by people who claim to be "religious" and "godly" is astounding. From nasty posts of self-proclaimed church-goers" to former Arkansas governor Huckabee who is rabid in his rants to deny and overthrow the Supreme Court.
  Right now, more laws in conservative states are being drawn up to block services to gay people under the guise of "Religious Freedom." In 31 states people can still be fired for being gay. So, there's a long way to go.
  To keep this short and come full-circle,  there is no place for hatred of anyone in dog rescue. We have been working in dog rescue for many years and we don't discriminate against any dog! So why should anyone discriminate against any person?
 People can learn a lot from dogs- because dogs love EVERYONE!