What happened to moderates? While I respect people with different
opinions, I don't want to see right-wing nut or left-wing nut postings.
I'm missing people with moderate views in both politics and religion.
Both entities should welcome EVERYONE. We are all the same.
those who don't know, right wing politicians and religious christian
(not all) Extremists (who have hijacked Christianity, sadly) have been
preventing our country from maturing and growing in several
ways: The Republican party continues to de-fund science, education and
technology (they just voted against railway funding again). SADLY - The
U.S. used to lead the world before the Congress became more right-wing.
Now our students can't compete, our industry is way behind that of
Japan and Europe, and the U.S. has little to offer. Both groups have
also continued to decimate my right and the rights of others to be
married. (The same thing was happening in Ireland, but they don't put up
with the extremists).
This morning someone posted "we are a
Nation Under God." Actually, the U.S.is NOT one nation under God. The
founding fathers specifically stated that church and state are two
separate entities and should never be together. If you think otherwise,
look at what it has done for the middle east. .