Wednesday, May 27, 2015

PART 1: Touring Annapolis With our Favorite "Bear"

Tom, Scott "Bear", Rob
      Our friend Scott "Bear" Elliott visited us over the past weekend and we took him on a tour of Annapolis and introduced him to a couple of our friends while here. "Bear" has his own video blog or "VLOG" if you will, in which he highlights things about bears, gay/lesbian issues, superheroes, travel and more.
     He made a great vlog about our tour (below) and said "What a beautiful and historic city Annapolis is. It is a must see if you find yourself in Maryland. Located off the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis offers loads of fine dining location and a diverse range of shopping. If you are looking for the Geek side of this great city, you must visit Third Eye Comics! "

NEXT:  Photos from Annapolis and 3 Ghosts!
(Ireland Trip Blog resumes in a couple of days)