Here's something we all deal with, and it needs to be addressed, because SOMETIMES we have important news that friends miss, because it gets buried from others tagging you.
WHY it's not a good idea to tag people on Facebook unless they're really involved directly:
you tag someone, it shows up on their page and pushes down (in your and everyone's feeds) of whatever they
post- which in one case was really important for others to know.
For example- A friend of ours lost his mother to cancer
in 2014 and so many people posted "look at this" stuff and sayings, pictures, etc. on his wall that I
never saw his mother died.
-When people post to someone's wall or tag
them it posts it as if they wrote it... and it buries what they want people
to know. That's why I never tag anyone and just send them a note in a
private message.
Many of our friends have "Tagged" us on the same Dachshund or Weimaraner picture, or saying about coffee, several times, and it buries anything that we post about what's happening with us (like when my mom passed in Dec. 2013, there were posts on our "Facebook wall" from others about dogs or coffee (which we love!) - but some friends never saw that my mom died.
IF YOU HAVE FUN THINGS- we love to see them- just Private Facebook MESSAGE them to us (and everyone you want to share them with)!! We really appreciate everyone's thoughts and humor and want to hear from you. We just want to ensure that if there's something important, our friends see it, as we hope to see what's important in YOUR LIFE!