Thursday, March 19, 2015

Get your dog to stop pulling! Thunderleash- buy or make one!

Our homemade version for our dachshund.
We bought our (70 pound) Weimaraner a "Thunderleash" at Petsmart and it really works to prevent pulling.
We've bought many harnesses, gentle leaders, etc. and none of them has really worked. The Thunderleash, however, has worked. Thunderleash can be purchased at Petsmart.  

NOTE: You have walk on the left side of your dog and have them on the right. They will always pull, but the intensity of the pull is a lot less with the thunderleash. 
   Also, keep the leash short (wrap it around your wrist). The more leash available, the easier it is for the dog to pull.
Dolly wearing the Thunderleash

Tyler wearing his makeshift Thunderleash!

How it is hooked up!
 However you can make your own with a clip (what we call a mountain climber's clip.-
Thanks to our friend Karin Bakken of DC Area Weimaraner Rescue for telling us how!

  You clip it on the collar and clip the leash on it (not on the collar). Then wrap the leash through the clip and around the chest of your dog. When your dog pulls, it tightens around their chest and they stop pulling!