Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Video: Gay Twins Struggle to Come Out To Dad (YouTube) (and my experience)

Telling people, friends and family, that you're gay is stressful and frightening to gay people. We never know what to expect. Some parents say they've always known. Some are relieved or welcoming. 

     Others act hostile and cite their religions. Some throw their children out and leave them homeless. Some gay kids are beaten in the name of Jesus (it's more common than you think). 

    When I (Rob) came out to my mom and dad (over the phone at 33 years old), my younger brother was there (with my parents) to talk with them and support me.  My dad said "okay, we just won't talk about it." My mother didn't speak to me for 6 months and whenever she answered the phone, she wouldn't say anything when I said "hello"  - and she would hand the phone to my dad. That hurt for a long time.    My mother finally called me 6 months later and said "I've been foolish. I just want you to be happy, and find love like everyone else, but I don't understand it."   Fast-forward to 2009 when I married Tom. She was thrilled that we were getting married and said "Tom is the only son that doesn't give me grief." I joked that she loved Tom more than me and my brothers. 

   So, for people who are struggling with it- it gets better. If your parents are so bent on their religion that they ignore the care and humanity of people, you can't fix it. Sometimes they learn for themselves. Sometimes they don't and we must let them be. What's important is to be who you are, and be true to yourself as these twin brothers did in this video. - Rob

Date: 15-Jan-2015
Do you remember the moment when you told your father you were gay? Twins Aaron and Austin Rhodes filmed as they rang their dad to break the news to him. Check out the emotional clip below :