Sunday, December 28, 2014

UK's first 'poo bus' goes into service!

Being dog dads we experience some bursts of methane... (pooting/farting), so we found this article from the U.K. interesting about the power source for new buses. I think we may want to bottle the "experiences" from our canine kids and ship them overseas to power their buses. In one month, our kids could power a fleet of buses!   Anyway,  the technology is amazing.  Of course, we have to wonder what the exhaust smells like if you're driving behind it!

Here's the article: 

UK's first 'poo bus' goes into service between Bristol and Bath


     The UK's first bus powered entirely by human and food waste has gone into service between Bristol and Bath.
The 40-seat "Bio-Bus" runs on biomethane gas generated through the treatment of sewage and food waste.
The eco-friendly vehicle can travel up to 300km (186 miles) on one tank of gas, which takes the annual waste of about five people to produce.
      It is run by tour operator Bath Bus Company and will shuttle people between Bristol Airport and Bath city centre.
The biomethane gas is generated at Bristol sewage treatment works in Avonmouth, which is run by GENeco, a subsidiary of Wessex Water.
      GENeco general manager Mohammed Saddiq said: "Gas-powered vehicles have an important role to play in improving air quality in UK cities but the Bio-Bus goes further than that and is actually powered by people living in the local area, including quite possibly those on the bus itself."
  • A single passenger's annual food and sewage waste would fuel the Bio-Bus for 37 miles (60km)
  • Its combustion engine is similar in design to diesel equivalents in conventional buses
  • Compressed gas is stored in dome-like tanks on the roof of the Bio-Bus
  • The gas is generated through anaerobic digestion - where oxygen starved bacteria breaks down biodegradable material to produce methane-rich biogas
  • To power a vehicle, the biogas undergoes "upgrading", where carbon dioxide is removed and propane added
  • Impurities are removed to produce virtually odour free emissions
  • Compared to conventional diesel vehicles, up to 30% less carbon dioxide is emitted