Saturday, December 13, 2014

Time to Test Your Gullibility! Do you believe any of these?

I really like challenging folks to see if they believe some of the wacky things going around on the internet. Here's where you can test how gullible you are by seeing how many of these you believed to be true, and that weren't true!

  • Did Sarah Palin suggest that President Obama put immigrants on a boat back to Mexico? 
  • ANSWER: No.  The article was a satirical piece poking fun at the former governor of Alaska. Palin was not even a guest on the Fox News Hannity program on 19 November 2014.The Daily Currant is a satire site
  • Are Keurig users at risk because the machines are prone to mold, algae, and bacteria growth? 
  • Both True and false.  
  • Nothing about Keurigs or any other food or beverage device makes them immune from day-to-day grime-collecting, and anything that dispenses consumable food or drink should be regularly examined for signs of grubbiness. Mold growth is not exclusive to the Keurig; and while the water reservoir is a larger cleaning chore, checking regularly will lessen mold and bacteria problems. As the quoted portion above suggested, visible mold in any coffeemaker is a strong signal it needs to be cleaned.  

  • Have millions of Thanksgiving turkeys been recalled duebeing contaminated by the Avian Flu?
  • ANSWER: NO. 
    On 21 November 2014, the National Report published an article claiming millions of Thanksgiving turkeys were contaminated with the virus that causes avian flu. This is another satirical news site.National Report publisher Allen Montgomery has also stated to the legitimate press that in no way should anyone construe the National Report as real news
  • Did North Dakota name a landfill after President Obama? 
  • ANSWER: No. It was a satirical article published by the same source as the made up story on Sarah Palin-
    On 17 November 2014, the Daily Currant published an article claiming the state of North Dakota had named a landfill after President Obama