Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Our Dachshunds and Fixing Poop Eating

Franklin with his muzzle
One thing that we're diligent about is picking up our backyard whenever one of our three canine kids do their business (#2). Sometimes we miss some, and 2 of our 3 kids decide they're snack worthy. EEEEWWW.
  We prefer a very clean backyard- so we pick it up about 2-3 times a day (and sometimes I (Rob) go out at night with the dogs holding a flashlight to pick up after them!).  - However, some "deposits" are missed because I'm color blind and green and brown look pretty much the same to me.
- So, at 4:30am when we get up, I take the 2 dachshunds out on a leash so I can ensure they don't eat #2. Dollly, our Weimaraner doesn't indulge in that nasty habit- just the dachshund boys do. Dolly is too much of a lady.

OUR ATTEMPTED FIX  - I've read countless articles about putting stuff in their food to make it smell bad... and thought "How in the world is poop going to smell any worse?"  - So that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Tyler with his muzzle
Since sometimes the dogs really need to run outside, I came up with the idea of putting a basket muzzle on them. I thought "That's the PERFECT solution!" Well, not really, but it helps.

HE'S RELENTLESS!!! - Franklin "taught" Tyler (our 5 year old) how to eat #2. Franklin also taught Sprite to do the same (Sprite passed on July 8, 2013). In fact, Franklin is so driven that I will never forget the first time I call him, Tyler and Dolly in from the backyard to find #2 all over the front of the basket muzzle and Franklin trying to get at it. So, we've had a couple of those adventures... and we continue to be vigilant and pick up the yard many times a day.

Dolly says "That's just nasty!"

* Our friends Connie and Poul suggested changing their food to "Blue brand" so we bought that this week.
Suggestions on-line: 

* Change the dog's diet. Buy or prepare only nutritious, quality food that is formulated for the dog's age, breed and any medical issues.
* For the dog who may be hungry, try feeding him a little more, and make sure you feed a quality, nutritious food that is appropriate for the age and type of canine.
* Take the dog to your veterinarian for an examination for underlying medical and health problems, parasites and other problems that may be compelling him to eat feces.
* Clean up after your pet, right after he goes - before he has a chance to eat his poop. Stopping access is one key to stopping this habit.
* Walk the dog on leash so that you are in a better position to tell the dog 'leave it' and to physically keep the dog from trying to sniff and eat stools. Always praise your dog with treats for listening. 
* One  thing to try: Add two to four tablespoons of canned pumpkin to the food bowl each day. Pumpkin apparently tastes good in food, but repugnant when expelled in excrement.