Tom bought us tickets to see and hear Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas Concert at the Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland and it was really enjoyable. It's all instrumental music with a flare and really great to listen to. In the background on a giant screen, they had lots of wintry and holiday images and video, which made it more entertaining.
A JUMP! - One song they did, called "Good King Wenceslas," began softly and slowly, and after about 30 seconds there was a loud percussion sound which caused the elderly woman sitting in front of us to jump about 1 foot out of her seat!!!
Apparently, she had dozed off during the previous song and the sudden loud noise startled her! We tried not to laugh out loud though... and continued enjoying the concert with a big smile on our faces. :)
Here's a link to the song on You Tube: