Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tyler Making the Grade!

Tyler awaiting instruction in his "Drool is Cool" shirt
The instructor setting up stuff for training
Our 5 year old black and tan Dachshund Tyler has been doing great at pre-agility school. He's learned how to run figure eights between obstacles, weave back and forth with poles in a straight line, come when called, stay if I drop a treat and wait until I tell him to pick it up, and more. He's come a long way!  
  He always goes to school in his yellow shirt that has a dog's face on it- and the shirt says "Drool is Cool!" 
   He loves school, and at the end of the hour, he's usually exhausted and collapses in the car ride home. 
    If only Daddy Rob would be a little more coordinated with "front crosses" and directions, Tyler would ace everything. However, Daddy Rob needs more work! :)