Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Doggy Halloween Event: We met Annabelle's Treats and Bonnie the dog photog!

Dolly, Tom and Franklin (Rob had Tyler off camera)
We've been looking into boarding and day care facilities for our kids, and recently found a nice one called Fieldstone Animal Inn. 
   On Sunday, October 26th, they were having an open house, so it was the perfect time to bring them there and get them familiar with the environment and the smells. Smells are important after all! 
 They have a lot of great services and the kennels and outdoor runs are CLEANED and poo-free (important when you have Dachshunds who like to "snack." Eww). They have:Trained Petcare Specialists,Shaded Grounds, Indoor & Outdoor Pet Access,Eco & Pet Friendly Products, Individualized Care and  Exceptional Activities & Comfort Services.

   The weather was perfect, so we walked around and met some great vendors that were there as well.

Annabelle's Honey Apple Peanut Butter Crisp!

We met Kim who founded and bakes Annabelle's Gourmet Dog Treats and sells the in Maryland and on-line. The ingredients are so good that people can eat them, too.
This is the one that our kids loved:  Honey-Apple Peanut Butter Crisp
Bonnie holding Tyler
Take the time to enjoy a nutritious  treat made with honey, apples, all-natural peanut butter with a hint of vanilla.  Just what your best friend needs to brighten their day.

Her website:

  Bonnie Grower – Annapolis Maryland pet photographer, animal lover and military spouse, among other things.
From her website:  During photo sessions, I was able to capture their hysterical personalities (have you ever seen cattle dogs play tug-of-war with a tree?!), the pure joy of a favorite toy, and their general passion for life. Their pictures are timeless and always bring a smile, a memory, or a laugh each time we look at them. The photographs are treasured gifts, telling the story of a life that will always live in our hearts.
All too often I have heard people say they don’t have any good pictures of their pet. This is why I decided to combine my passion for animals and photography into the art of pet photography. I want to celebrate your pet’s personality using a fun, fresh, photojournalistic style.
Her Website: