I (Rob) recently read a "Pet Rescue Mystery" called "Teacup Turbulence by Linda O. Johnston. It was the second in the
series about a dog and cat rescue manager who gets into solving murders.
The first in the series was so enjoyable it made me want to read the next! This book was just as entertaining as the the first The characters were interesting and you really get to know them.
The lead character, Lauren, manages pet rescue operations and works in trying to solve a murder case, The victim is a nasty character that was rude to everyone, so the suspect list is long.
Enjoyable and recommended for any pet lover and mystery lover.
BTW- Speaking as a writer of 3 books, After you read a book please RATE them on Amazon.com. - it helps!! - Rob
BOOK SUMMARY: Thanks to a savvy ad campaign featuring teacup pups sporting HotPets
Bling—a new line of faux jewelry dog collars—small dog adoptions have
skyrocketed across the city. So when Lauren discovers a shelter in the
Midwest with more toy dogs than it can handle, she arranges a private
plane to swoop in and fly the pups back to LA.
Lauren didn’t count on rescue worker Teresa Kantrim coming along for the
ride. Teresa has cared for the dogs since they were found and doesn’t
trust anyone from La-La Land to take over the job. Her biting comments
clearly haven’t earned Teresa any new friends, but when she turns up
murdered, it’s time for Lauren to dig into Teresa’s past and find out
who wanted her put down.