Monday, July 21, 2014

A Tremendous Dog Rescue Transport: 8 Dogs in One Day!

Woody and Danny get the front seat
One of the things that we do to help dog rescues is transport dogs to their forever homes. Although we primarily volunteer for 2, we do transports for many others. On  Sunday July 13, I (Rob) partook in the largest dog transport we've done at one time. 
 Tom stayed home with our three kids because there was no room in the pickup truck and Tyler sprained his right front leg- so he had to be watched.

precious little Danny - just a tiny 8 pounds
TRANSPORTING FOR SEVERAL RESCUES AT ONCE  The transport brought several rescues together that included 7 Dachshunds and 1 Westie. Katie Wehner of central Virginia organized the entire trip that took dogs from southern Virginia to Baltimore, New York City and eastern Pennsylvania.

Murphy the Westie took the front seat when Danny left

It takes a lot of people to transport dogs up the northeastern corridor of the U.S.  The people that participated in the transport included: Katie Wehner, Celeste Magee,  Rachael Vaghn, Cindie Kura, Anne Lendzinski, Kathy Hamilton, Doxie Yolanda, Brenda Mills, Janet Tobin, Sue Nunnamaker, Barbara Orazi, Steve Shank and Tina Marie Mulvey,  Deb and John Winters, Sue Nunnamaker, James & Patricia Filippazzo

Brandy wanted to see everything
  At 11 a.m. Sunday morning, Katie drove up from central VA with 8 dogs. I took 6 of them - 4 in the cab of our pick up truck and 2 in the front seat. There was JUST enough room. Woody the smooth, red Dachshund and little Danny the8 pound Black and Tan dachshund rode in their crates in the front seat of the truck.
The other 4 rode in the cab- Murphy (the Westie - who was well-behaved, Twix, Lisa, Brandy.

Deb swapped dogs- and gave me Molly and Merlin at Baltimore
Traffic on I-95 was Miserable!!!
BALTIMORE STOP 1:  I met Deb near BWI airport and gave her Brandy and little Danny. She, in turn, gave me two long-haired, red Dachshunds, Merlin and Molly - destination: Delaware.

Deb and John with Twix and Lisa at the Delware hand off!

DELAWARE STOP 2:  Newark, Delaware was the meeting place where I would bring the 6 dogs to 3 different sets of volunteers for further transport. Traffic on I-95 on an early Sunday afternoon was BRUTAL. A disabled bus between Baltimore and Delaware ground traffic to a halt for miles. Volume was so heavy going north (and south) that it took over 2  1/4 hours to get to Delaware.

Merlin and Molly
Three of the dogs were headed for a destination in New Jersey to their forever home: Twix, Lisa, and Woody.

Molly and  Merlin (red long-haired Dachshunds went to New York for their final stop! 
Everyone made it to where they needed to be.... ALL 8 DOGS!!
Merlin and Molly with new Celeste
Twix, the piebald dachshund with 1 blue and 1 brown eye!