Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Look at Tom's Work in the Garden

Day Lily
Tom practically lives for gardening and is a very meticulous landscaper. He loveseverything in order, trimmed, neat and clean (it's the Mr. Monk-like quality that keeps the house looking great inside and out). He spends every weekend planting, trimming, fixing, and making sure that all the plants around the house are looking their best. Since he puts so much hard work into it, I thought I'd highlight some of the great flowers we have sprinkled around the yard.  
- I (Rob) have the touch of death with plants, so I try to keep away from them... although whenever something appears to be dying, I'll take it under my wing and have been pretty successful at nursing a plant or two back to health. Enjoy these pics!

Rose of Sharon
Line of Rose of Sharon plants


"Non-stop" Coreopsis
