Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Dog Rescue Friday Transport Adventure!

Dog cage loaded on our truck for transport
Our weekends are usually a time for laundry and more house cleaning (we do it daily), but we manage to squeeze a lot into them. This past Friday, our friend Shelley (who works with many Dachshund and other dog rescues) sent an email to a couple of folks asking about the transport of a large dog cage. We gladly told her we'd transport it after work on Friday.
   After a quick dinner and dropping off a key for a friend (about 15 miles away), we drove to get the cage (and another as it turned out). The folks donating the cages had done extensive rescue work for many,. many years. In fact, we met them years ago when they brought us two dachshunds to care for overnight before the dogs went to foster homes.The husband and wife team are just amazing people, and I got to meet their 3 dogs and 1 cat.
   We loaded the large 7 foot long by 4 foot long, home-built, wooden and mesh crate with a large metal cage (large enough for a a large Labrador Retriever) into our pick up and headed to Shelley in northern Baltimore. Shelley was getting the cages for a rescue in central Pennsylvania that she also works with- and whom
Tom, Franklin & Dolly check directions to Shelley's house

Dolly says "we're ready to go!"
took in a pregnant dog - so the largest cage would be for the mom dog and her upcoming puppies- perfect! -Shelley even arranged with the PA rescue to get a truck to come down from PA and get the cages (it was a two-step transport process); as the cages wouldn't fit in a car of any sort.
   It was great to see Shelley, and it was fun to pile our three dogs in the car, with our guest dog, Kolbe (whom we watched for 8 days) and drive with coffee, iced tea and sing to songs from the 1970s and 80s.
  Another dog-rescue-related drive done!  It is so worthwhile to do things for dogs who don't care who you are, as long as you treat them kindly. People could learn a lot from dogs. :)