Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rob Meets Neil Degrasse Tyson and Asks about his Superman Connection!

L to R: Neil, Eric Smith, Chris Scolese, John Mather, Paul Geithner
Neil answers my question about his Superman appearance!
One of the cool things about working at NASA is that we get to work with and meet interesting people.
  On June 3rd, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson visited  NASA Goddard's Space Flight Center and the James Webb Space Telescope team in Greenbelt, Md, and I (Rob) am one of the
Laura Betz put the entire event together!
science writers on the Webb telescope project and got to hear  meet him.

HIS SUPERMAN CONNECTION - Because I KNOW that he appeared in Action Comics #14 two years ago, I asked him about it and he was thrilled to tell everyone in the group about it!
  I went on line and learned that he also told NPR's Morning Edition. (LISTEN TO THE STORY- CLICK HERE)
    Here's the story: Hayden Planetarium director and pop-culture go-to science guy Neil deGrasse Tyson tells NPR's David Greene the story of how he came to lend a hand to Superman.
From Action Comics #14. Cr: DC Comics
DC Comics, Tyson explains, approached him for permission to use the Planetarium — as well as his likeness — in a story where Superman witnesses the destruction of Krypton, since the light from the distant planet is just now arriving on Earth. Tyson told DC Comics that he was happy to help, and that instead of just making up the story of Superman seeing Krypton, he could help them ground it in at least some actual science.  FULL NPR STORY:

Neil Credit: NASA/Rebecca Roth
Neil talking about Cosmos as Rob poses for a picture