Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thanks to Dustin Pari for supporting my book "Pets and the Afterlife"

Last summer I had the good fortune to meet Ghost Hunter Dustin Pari at the Spiritwatch convention in Virginia. SpiritWatch conducts paranormal investigations in MD, DC and VA.
   Since the conference, Dustin and I follow each other on Twitter. This week, Dustin sent out a tweet in support of my book "Pets and the Afterlife" for which I am extremely grateful. He also sent it to John Tenney (whom I also had the pleasure to meet at that same conference)! These guys are really amazing and fascinating to hear. You can find their websites below. 
  Here's the Tweet from Dustin that I will always treasure:

Dustin Pari
Dustin Pari

Give this a look @JohnELTenney RT @GhostMediumBook: Did someone's dog or cat pass recently? Check my book tinyurl.com/mqgamq2%20

Dustin Pari's Website says:  Man of God. Motivational Speaker. founder. The Paranormal Rockstar formerly of Ghost Hunters & GHI. Pie enthusiast. Lover of cereal. 100%Awesome  You can find Dustin's website at The Paranormal Rockstar: The Official Site Of Dustin Pari
John E.L. Tenney is also well known in Paranormal circles!  Author & Investigator of Anomalistic, Paranormal & Occult Phenomena, Psychopomp, Realm of the Weird, Folklorist, King of the Weirdos & Everyone's Weird Uncle.
Here's John's website: Weird Lectures - John E.L. Tenney's Weird Place for Weird ...