Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our friend John Sazaklis' Super-Pets Sellout at Annapolis Book Festival

Rob and John at the Book Event
Our friend John Sazaklis is a well-known writer of children's books with Random House in NYC, and has written a lot of superhero books featuring Batman, Superman, the Super-pets and so much more. He's been on the NY Times bestsellers list, too.  So, last Friday, John traveled from NYC to stay with us for the Annapolis Book Festival where he made an appearance with my (Rob) favorite comics shop, Third Eye Comics in Annapolis. He was the featured author for Third Eye, and he had a table with many of his "super pets" books for kids.
  BIG HIT- John was a big hit with young and old and works very well with kids. He knows how to get kids excited about the stories, and he did a reading at 3pm, where he had a captive audience (including some adults like me). 
John signs a book for a young fan
Swamp Thin and Zombie Pets
 CLASSROOM READ - kids like monsters and zombies and John had that covered with his book "Swamp Thing and the Zombie Pets" - Swamp Thing is a DC comics superhero, btw. Take a look at the book here:Swamp Thing vs the Zombie Pets (DC Super-Pets
   The story is about SOLOMON GRUNDY's zombie pets taking over the swamp and SWAMP THING's bog buddies must stop them.
Talking with a family about the Super Pet Books!
Readying to read for the classroom


Reading from
John was a big hit with everyone