I (Rob) love mystery novels, and I love dogs and when the two come together as they do in a series
called "Pet Rescue Mysteries" by Linda O. Johnston, I can't lose. I happened to see the latest novel "Hounds Abound" in Barnes and Noble and bought it because it sounded like a good combination and had Dachshunds on the cover that resembled our Tyler and Franklin.
The book was a fun read, and it's about a woman named Lauren who manages "HotRescues" a dog and cat rescue. In this book, Lauren tries to find out who murdered the ex-husband of another rescue's manager. It's full of great characters, and a fun read. I recommend it!
BOOK SUMMARY: Saving animals and solving murders seem to go paw-in-paw for shelter
manager and amateur sleuth Lauren Vancouver. But this time, mixed up in a
murder that may close a much-needed new shelter. Lauren will have to
keep herself and her critters safe from an unleashed killer.
To buy it on Amazon.com: Hounds-Abound-Pet-Rescue-Mystery