Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Friend Scott: A True Animal Rescue Hero!

Through facebook and mutual friends we met and befriended an amazing animal advocate: Scott Lope. Scott is one of the most big-hearted guys you'll ever meet. To us, he is a true hero who stands up for all animals. 
 - Just last week he contacted us about 2 Dachshunds in a shelter in NC who need to be rescued. We in turn contacted the Dachshund rescues that we work with to see if we could take them. 

Scott was named Animal Planet's 2009 Hero of the Year!!!  - Scott Lope he was the director of operations at Big Cat Rescue, and dedicated his life to advocating not just for big cats but for all wild animals and the habitats in which they live. 

  ***Watch the video below from BIG CAT RESCUE, where Scott helps rescue a racoon from being a snack for a snow leopard**
Scott and cubs

In early 2010 the concept of Animal Warriors was formed.  While researching a wild animal rescue show for Discovery Channel, animal advocate Scott Lope quickly recognized a desperate need for not only a facility that can help place and rescue animals, but also a strong leader to unite the many different rescue groups all struggling towards the same goal of helping animals.

Baboon time
As former director of one of the world's largest and most well known wild animal sanctuaries and the on-screen animal expert for countless television networks, Scott knew all too well about the issues facing domestic and wild animals in captivity.  Scott's vision, Animal Warriors, is a fully-functioning community of like-minded individuals acting as a cohesive unit to not only help the animals in their care but also enable people everywhere to make a real difference.  

PLEASE CHECK OUT WWW.ANIMALWARRIORS.ORG for more information on Scott's new mission.
  (Like them on Facebook:

Helping a Tiger
As Scott traveled the country rescuing animals while filming the show, a few stark realities became apparent:
- Shelters and sanctuaries are at capacity and very few can accept new animals.
- Staff and volunteers are overwhelmed, under-paid, and under-appreciated.
- A huge lack of communication and co-operation between organizations means wasted time and resources and worst of all, many animals that could have been saved are suffering or dying needlessly.

Scott Lope (L), Jake Motsinger (C) at Scott's Book Signing this weekend with Jason Mott (R) ... you may have caught the newest tv hit Resurrection based on his incredible novel The Returned !

WHO IS SCOTT?  A life-long passion for animal welfare has led to his recognition as an expert on captive wild animals and an international spokesman for animal advocacy.  He was Director of Operations at one of the largest exotic big cat sanctuaries for over 10 years. He has appeared in countless television, radio, and internet broadcasts on behalf of animal welfare and the cruelties to wild animals in captivity. His complete bio and list of media credentials can be found at
Check out Scott Lope's story in WOLVERINE 
Recently, our friend Scott Lope had the amazing opportunity to co-write a comic book about Marvel's
Wolverine character from the X-men series.  The story appears in December's  and January's "Savage Wolverine #12" and #13   The Wolverine story addresses the serious issue of Rhino poaching in Africa and how countless Rhinos are slaughtered for their horns. This is one of the issues that Scott personally tries to stop through his organization.  The story is gripping and well-written and the artwork is fantastic.