Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rob's Mom: Part 6: You Can't Fool With Mother Nature!

Funeral director returning to Mom's casket after services outside
This week I've been writing about the events around my mother's severe stroke and passing.  This is the sixth part in the week's events. Mother Nature threw us a curveball with a nor'easter that started the day of the funeral, but held off just long enough to get it in. My mom always liked to make a show or be the center of attention/life of the party- and with the storm, she certainly was!

    My mom liked to say "You can't fool with Mother Nature" and she sometimes referred to herself as "Mother Nature." Well, she sure put on a big show for the day of her funeral, as Boston got walloped by TWO snowstorms. The first one started before sunrise, the second one in the late afternoon.
Mom in 2001
The funeral was at 10 a.m. and by then, there was already 2 inches of snow on the ground, and our pickup truck fishtails in the snow. So, we opted to meet my brothers at the church and not risk driving across town to the funeral home. We also decided to drive my mom's Ford Escape SUV after Tom checked the internet (on his phone) and learned it did well in the snow. Smart move.
    The funeral Mass was at Saint Ann's Church in Wollaston, Mass. Father Bronagan (sp.?) who presided over my dad's funeral in August 2008 also led my mom's service. He was wonderful, as were the organist and female singer, who belted out my mom's favorite song, "Ave Maria" (which really made me a mess). My mom always told me "when I die I want Ave Maria sung at my funeral as it was at my mother's." So it was.
14" of snow fell outside mom's house
    My older brother Steve did the first reading, and I did the second one. My younger brother Doug gave an AMAZING Eulogy, which I will post as another blog. He really captured the spirit of my mother, and I think it's important that everyone know her and you will after you read it.
Mom at the White House in 2010
    After the funeral mass, we all filed outside in the snow and gusty winds. The temperature was 27F, the wind chill put the temperature in the teens or single numbers. There was already 2-3 inches of snow on the ground as we all proceeded to the cemetery (which was the next town over and a 20 minute drive through the snow). The hearse was a light blue color instead of black, which was perfect for my mom. She would have approved (or I'll hear about it from the other side).

Tom, Mom and Rob on a visit in 2012
   The cemetery set up a large tent, and the funeral home folks carried her coffin and placed it under the tent. We all gathered there for a couple of minutes as the priest conducted the services. The winds were blowing the snow sideways and gusting to about 20 mph. The wind chill was bitter. My mom's casket was joining my dad's, in a "drawer" in a wall in the cemetery. The tomb was on the side of a small hill.
   We all returned to Doug and Sue's house for a reception, sandwiches and conversation. After about an hour, we all departed to face a snowy ride home. Tom and I returned to my mom's house and hunkered down with Dolly and Tyler to deal with the second part of the blizzard (and we did get 14" of snow there- and were trapped inside all day Friday, Jan. 3rd. We departed for home on January 4th). 
Boston skyline, heading home